Snail Radar Dataset

4D radars are increasingly favored for odometry and mapping of autonomous systems due to their robustness in harsh weather and dynamic environments. Existing datasets, however, often cover limited areas and are typically captured using a single platform. To address this gap, we present a diverse large-scale dataset specifically designed for 4D radar-based localization and mapping. This dataset was gathered using three different platforms: a handheld device, an e-bike, and an SUV, under a variety of environmental conditions, including clear days, nighttime, and heavy rain.

Brief description

A dataset collected by 4D radars, stereo cameras, and lidars. The preprint paper describing the dataset is at arXiv.

  title={Snail-Radar: A large-scale diverse dataset for the evaluation of 4D-radar-based SLAM systems},
  author={Jianzhu Huai and Binliang Wang and Yuan Zhuang and Yiwen Chen and Qipeng Li and Yulong Han},

Quick start

The dataset can be downloaded from either OneDrive or Baidu Netdisk(百度网盘) 提取码: 3141.

We provided zipped rosbags and zipped data folders.

The 44 sequences of our dataset are repeatedly collected at 8 places with three platforms in diverse weather/lighting conditions. The place shorthands bc=basketball court, sl=starlake, ss=software school, if=info faculty, iaf=info and arts faculty, iaef=info, arts, and engineering faculty, st=starlake tower, 81r=August 1 road. The platforms H=handheld, E=ebike, S=SUV. The weather and lighting condition is clear and daytime unless specified. Different to other sequences of the info and arts faculty, the 20240113/2 sequence's route is anticlockwise.

Place Setup   Date/Run Dist.(m)/Dur.(sec) Weather/lighting
bc H 20230920/1 84/74 light rain, night
  H 20230921/2 59/83 mod. rain
  E 20231007/4 78/51  
  E 20231105/6 251/144 mod. rain
  E 20231105_aft/2 167/104 light rain
sl H 20230920/2 2182/1839 light rain, night
  H 20230921/3 2171/1857 mod. rain
  H 20230921/5 2015/1731 mod. rain
  E 20231007/2 1997/657  
  E 20231019/1 1919/460 night
  E 20231105/2 2045/524 heavy rain
  E 20231105/3 2069/537 heavy rain
  E 20231105_aft/4 2019/698 light rain
  E 20231109/3 1983/546  
ss H 20230921/4 736/622 light rain
  E 20231019/2 781/533 night
  E 20231105/4 895/395 heavy rain
  E 20231105/5 967/400 mod. rain
  E 20231105_aft/5 826/534 light rain
  E 20231109/4 795/533  
if S 20231208/4 2228/515  
  S 20231213/4 2227/494 light rain, night
  S 20231213/5 2225/475 light rain, night
  S 20240115/3 2223/525 dusk
  S 20240116/5 2228/514 dusk
  S 20240116_eve/5 2224/462 night
  S 20240123/3 2231/535  
iaf S 20231201/2 4620/1042  
  S 20231201/3 4631/946  
  S 20231208/5 4616/870  
  S 20231213/2 4603/938 light rain, night
  S 20231213/3 4613/875 light rain, night
  S 20240113/2 4610/1005 anticlockwise
  S 20240113/3 4613/962  
  S 20240116_eve/4 4609/868 night
iaef S 20240113/5 7283/1509  
  S 20240115/2 6641/1374  
  S 20240116/4 6648/1515  
st S 20231208/1 275/147  
  S 20231213/1 276/126 light rain, night
  S 20240113/1 541/214  
81r S 20240116/2 8554/1433 light rain
  S 20240116_eve/3 8521/1293 night
  S 20240123/2 8539/1743  


The source code to create the rosbags from the raw data and vice versa and the calibration data are available at here.


The details about the benchmark are at the docs.