Data Format
For each sequence, a monolithic rosbag as well as a folder containing separate messages as individual files is provided on OneDrive.
The ROS1 themes and message types in the published rosbags, as well as the corresponding folders in the published zip files, are as follows:
Sensor | Topic | ROS message | Folder | Format |
Conti ARS548 | /ars548 | PointCloud2 | ars548/points | pcd |
Hesai XT32 | /hesai/pandar | PointCloud2 | xt32 | pcd |
MTi3DK IMU | /mti3dk/imu | Imu | mti3dk | txt |
Oculii Eagle | /radar_enhanced_pcl2 | PointCloud2 | eagleg7/enhanced | pcd |
/radar_pcl2 | PointCloud2 | eagleg7/pcl | pcd | |
/radar_trk | PointCloud | eagleg7/trk | bin | |
Bynav X36D | /x36d/gnss | NavSatFix | x36d | txt |
/x36d/gnss_ins | NavSatFix | x36d | txt | |
/x36d/imu_raw | Imu | x36d | txt | |
ZED2i | /zed2i/zed_node/imu/data | Imu | zed2i | txt |
/zed2i/zed_node/left_raw/image_raw_gray/compressed | CompressedImage | zed2i/left | jpg | |
/zed2i/zed_node/right_raw/image_raw_gray/compressed | CompressedImage | zed2i/right | jpg | |
/zed2i/zed_node/odom | Odometry | zed2i | txt |
The Oculii point clouds’ xyz coordinates are in the forward left up frame,whereas the Oculii’s native frame is a right down forward frame.The two frames are related by a constant rotation as given in the matlab code.